Content Creation Period Ends In:



    Sriracha BINGO is a low-pressure, low-commitment multimedia fanwork event centered around 3RACHA. Bingo cards will be generated based on a collection of submitted tropes and everyone who participates will get their own card. Participants can fill out squares on the card by creating any fanworks that follow the tropes given (fanfiction, fanart, etc.). Feel free to check out any of the existing bingo fests such as @minsungbingo, @2MlNGO, @SkzTropeBingo, and @RareKidsBingo.

    The poly pairing (Chan/Changbin/Jisung) and any pairings within the members of 3RACHA (Chan/Changbin, Chan/Jisung, Changbin/Jisung) are allowed. Other members can be included in the work, but the pairings within 3RACHA listed above should be the main focus. Any and all genres are allowed as long as everything is tagged appropriately.

    Submissions will be on Twitter. Please tag us (@srirachabingo) on any creation you post along with your updated bingo card with the tropes filled by the fanwork you have created so we can keep track of your points. We'll retweet your work! If you are writing and posting on AO3, be sure to post to our collection and include the tropes you filled somewhere in your author's notes.

    Bingo fills will be rewarded with Scoville points! The more fills, the more spicy. Detailed point guidelines listed below.

    Point System:
    1 point will be given per square filled.10 points will be given for every bingo on the card (i.e. 5 in a row). This can be diagonal, horizontal, or vertical.Special bingo patterns (the X pattern and border pattern) will be given a bonus 10 points.Extra points will be given for every additional bingo made on the same card: 11 for the second bingo on the card, 12 for the next, so on and so forth.A fully blacked out card (all squares filled) will be rewarded 150 points.


    July 7 - 17

    Trope Prompting

    July 20

    July 23

    Card Requests Open

    First Cards Sent Out

    July 23 - February 18

    Content Creation

    January 18

    Card Request Deadline

    February 18

    Challenge Ends


    How many squares are there per card?
    It will be a 5x5 card, so a total of 25 squares (24 tropes and 1 free space). The free space can be filled with any other trope that is not already on your card.

    How do I request a card?
    Please check out the request form on the links tab of this carrd once requests open! More detailed information will be outlined on the request form.

    Are there any minimum fill requirements?
    For written submissions, please make them at least 500 words to be considered a fill. For any other media, as long as the trope can be seen clearly, it will be considered a fill.

    What if I don't like the card I was given?
    All participants are allowed to request a second card if they are not satisfied with their initial card. However, this will only be allowed once (i.e. you will only be given a second card; if you still are not satisfied with the second card, you must fill a bingo on at least one of your cards before requesting another one).

    Can I request multiple cards?
    We ask that you achieve at least one bingo (horizontal, vertical, or diagonal) or fill at least 7 individual squares before requesting a second card.